Kantra Fort

It was probably one of the forts captured by Malik Ahmad Nizam Shah.

Today the gate lies amidst ruins and one finds hardly any supply of water except during the rains.

How to Reach
Kantra Fort lies about 6.41 km. (four miles) distant from Ankai. The hill on which it stands is lower than the others near it and is entirely commanded by one about a thousand yards (944.40 metres) distant. In 1818 Captain Briggs found the ascent to the for fairly easy, the entrance being by a bad gate about six feet (1.8 metres) wide. There was plenty of water and a small place cut out of the rock served as a store-house for grain and ammunition. Near the gateway but outside the fort was another rock-cut room useless as a military store-house on account of the fire that could be brought to bear upon it from below.

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